
In furthering our collaborative approach, Equally Well has engaged ambassadors who each represent a specific area of interest in mental health and wellbeing. These ambassadors shared our common interest in improving the physical health and wellbeing of people living with mental illness in Australia.

They will play a crucial role in promoting Equally Well to the broader community when attending forums, conferences, meetings and media opportunities (including social media). As ambassadors they also share pertinent advances in their respective fields with Equally Well.

Simon Rosenbaum

Simon Rosenbaum

Exercise Physiology Ambassador

“The vision and sharing of resources, knowledge and experience is the most exciting part of Equally Well and is what will ultimately lead to pragmatic and scalable solutions to addressing inequality.”

Brenda Happell

Nursing, Consumer & Carer Experience Ambassador

“Equally Well brings together all people with an interest in physical health and mental health including consumers, carers, clinicians, academics, managers and policy makers to pursue their mutual interests. As such it focuses on common purpose and unites people around this goal.”

Jenny Bowman

Psychology & Research Ambassador

“Equally Well represents an important coming together of key stakeholders…including key policy makers…with a consumer voice at its centre. Equally Well provides a vehicle for raising the profile of the issue and keeping it on the agenda.”

Dave Peters

Lived Experience Ambassador

“Equally Well is positioned very well to lead a change in attitudes and to help lead by example to co-ordinate the services across Australia with a strategic plan for addressing the physical health of people living with chronic mental illness.”

Andrew Watkins

Health Services Ambassador

“Equally Well is that national voice. It brings together resources from around Australia and in doing so inspires consumers, carers and clinicians to promote equity of access to quality health care.”

Sam Manger

General Practitioner Ambassador

“I am proud that Equally Well is working to recognise and prioritise these areas to improve the health of so many who suffer, often unnecessarily.”

Scott Teasdale

Mental Health Dietitian Ambassador

“Equally Well’s focus on integration of mind and body care, combined with a focus on prevention, early intervention, and ongoing recovery support for both mental and physical health, can facilitate real-world changes for a better model of care.”

David Everitt

Veterans Ambassador

“Carers, and in many cases partners, in my opinion, are the key to managing the lifestyle of mental health sufferers. But these individuals do not often get the recognition nor the support that they need and deserve.”

Reza Rostami

Refugee and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Ambassador

“My goal is to extend the organisation’s goal to a wider group of people, such as refugees and asylum seekers.”

Amanda Wheeler

Pharmacy Practice Ambassador

I believe our diversity and combined energies can make a genuine and sustainable difference to reducing comorbidities and ‘closing the gap’ in life expectancy for people living with mental illness(es).”