Implementation of the NSW Health Physical Health Care for People Living with Mental Health Issues Guideline
1. Development of an implementation working group and implementation plan.
2. Completion of a current state assessment and gap analysis of District/Networks against the newly published Physical Health Care for People Living with Mental Health Issues Guideline. Findings and recommendations from this report shaped the development of the implementation work plan
3. Creation of new Physical Health and Mental Health Resource Webpage
4. Delivery of Physical Health and Mental Health Forum 2022 in collaboration with the Agency for Clinical Innovation. The forum showcased local improvement activities, key note speakers (including Equally Well) and discussed challenges/solutions to implementation
5. Announcement of Physical Health Project Grants Program 2022 at the Physical Health Forum. The grants program will provides funding to three Districts and Networks to deliver local projects to support physical health of people living with mental health issues.
6. Supporting NSW Health wide inititiatives to improve physical health of people living with mental illness.