Use these links to connect with information and resources designed to help improve the physical health of people living with a mental condition.
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)
The RANZCP has produced a number of reports and papers on what can be done to reduce barriers to health care for people with mental illness and other physical illnesses.
Healthy Active Lives (HeAL)
Our Equally Well Consensus Statement recommends young people living with mental illness, especially those experiencing their first episode of psychosis, should be engaged with early to promote healthy lifestyles. The HeAL Declaration’s principles and targets should be implemented as a standard across Australia, and work with young people should always be done in a safe environment, in a culturally respectful way.
Equally Well, New Zealand
Inspiration for the Australian Equally Well is the Equally Well New Zealand initiative, a group of individuals and organisations committed to improving the physical health outcomes of people who experience mental health and/or addiction issues. Te Pou o te Whakaaro Nui is a leading partner and provides the Equally Well backbone support team. Their website hosts the New Zealand consensus position paper and associated Equally Well resources and information.